I could not finish my first day of 2020 without beginning my blog. I'm not ready or prepared. I have no content. I just want to write. I need to start. I have no clue how to incorporate this blog into my website host; I'll learn. Expect some changes and AH-HA moments. This site is for my photography but last year I decided I wanted to include a blog, another way to journal my life's experiences. The site itself isn't even completed...procrastination at it finest. I'm going with the flow and making it happen.

Let's recap today:

Celebrated the new year at my sisters house: champagne and noise makers that had rose gold frill, fireball whiskey, carpool karaoke-started off with Kat and I singing "A Million Dreams" by Pink as Marilyn Monroe, sparklers-Maia could care less for them, wine, good food-Baclava, Patrick and Caleb cooked up fabulous steaks, Shrimp was the costar to dinner and so much more, playing a flip cup alcohol drinking game (I've never in my life done before)-Patrick took my shots for every loss I made and Kevin drank for every loss Mike made, Thank you to these fine young men, home at 3 am, in bed at 3:30 am. Whew, I am tired! I could go on about the rest of the day but I won't...It was good. I have my IG account to keep me and you up to date (smiling emoji),

This is a great start. I have my day 1 blog done and I feel accomplished. The OCD in me is content. It's the first of the month, wake up, wake up!

(note: photo above Maia Eliana 2015, 4 years old, photo taken by Pink Posh Photographer. Honestly, I needed a nice photo to go there lol! like I said I was not prepared for this.)

(note2: right after I published this, I searched the "help" section for "blog" and BAM! I now know how to move this page to a "BLOG!" and here we are.)

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